Apostle A.O. Solomon, spiritual shepherd to thousands, is founder, president and overseer of The Shadow of the Almighty Ministries, a ministry with a reputation for evangelism, prophecy, deliverance and healing that has grown into ten branches across the United States, and the Shadow of the Almighty Prayer-line, which has a world-wide presence and ministers to more than seven thousand participants daily.
The Apostle was born and raised in Nigeria. He grew up in a Muslim home but later gave his life to Jesus Christ. He has been in the ministry for about 20 years as a deliverance minister, a prophet, a motivator, and a sound teacher of the Word of God. God has used him to touch multitudes of lives through spiritual warfare across the globe and powerful crusades spanning major U.S. cities.
Beyond the pulpit, Apostle Solomon is also an accomplished author whose books include Captured by the Night, Defeating Marital Problems, Destroying the Pregnancy (Desire) of the Enemy, Becoming a Winner in Life and the much-sought-after Operation Take Over the Day (365 Days Devotional).
He is happily married and blessed with children, describing himself as “one of the foolish and weak things that God is using to confound the wise of this world.”